Replaces POA-LMP133 CHSP8CS01GC01 - Lutema Osram Inside replacement lamp provides a 100% the lifetime and brightness of your factory original replacement lamp for your DLPLCD Cinema Projector.Compatible with these Projector Model Numbers: PDG-DSU30, PDG-DSU30N, PDGDSU30, PDGDSU30N, PDG-DSU300, PDGDSU300Product has been certified by MI Technologies, Inc. in North America to meet the highest quality standards in the industry.This item is a best solution for your Cinema Projector. Restores 100% Brightness and Lasts Longer!We recommend Osram Brand Solutions for the best picture quality, brightness, and lifespan. ※スペックなどご不明な点はお気軽にお問合せください。 ■お届けについて こちらは海外から取り寄せ商品です。 御注文後1〜3週間程度で発送させていただきます。
Replaces POA-LMP133 CHSP8CS01GC01 - Lutema Osram Inside replacement lamp provides a 100% the lifetime and brightness of your factory original replacement lamp for your DLPLCD Cinema Projector.Compatible with these Projector Model Numbers: PDG-DSU30, PDG-DSU30N, PDGDSU30, PDGDSU30N, PDG-DSU300, PDGDSU300Product has been certified by MI Technologies, Inc. in North America to meet the highest quality standards in the industry.This item is a best solution for your Cinema Projector. Restores 100% Brightness and Lasts Longer!We recommend Osram Brand Solutions for the best picture quality, brightness, and lifespan.